6 Best Delay Pedals for Guitar

The 6 best delay pedals for guitar in the market are summarized. The market offers a wide range of delay pedals, each with its own unique features and characteristics. Here are six popular delay pedals known for their quality and versatility: Strymon Timeline The Strymon Timeline is a highly regarded and… Read More »6 Best Delay Pedals for Guitar


How to Develop Your Musical Ear

One of the key advantages of learning guitar is the focus on how to develop your musical ear and sensibility. You learn to recognize different chords, strumming patterns, and melodies, training your ear to identify musical elements. This skill enhances your ability to play by ear, improvise, and create your… Read More »How to Develop Your Musical Ear


Am7 Guitar Chord Secrets

The Am7 guitar chord is the symbol for A minor with flat 7th. We show how to use the Am7 in several contexts, to understand how to apply it to any key. First, it is important to notice that this is a four note chord, or tetrad, with is formed… Read More »Am7 Guitar Chord Secrets