Guitar Practice Routine

Guitar practice routine is something that every guitar player needs. It is important to have a daily routing that can help you to make the best of your studies.

Many guitar players don’t understand why after some time they stop making progress in their playing abilities.

The main reason is that they lack an effective guitar practice routing that would be needed to improve their skills.

Setting Up a Guitar Practice Routine

The first step in creating a guitar playing routing is to determine what you want to achieve in your guitar studies.

Some people would be satisfied with playing a few popular songs.

Other people want to improve with their theory studies.

And still others want to practice classical songs.

To determine the right routine, then, you need to specify your target, what you want to achieve.

Determining Tasks

Once your have defined your target, it is now the time to figure out the specific tasks you need to accomplish regularly.

Every player is different, but there are some items that are important, and should be practice by everyone:

  • Learning Chords
  • Playing scales
  • Practicing Arpegios
  • Reading Music
  • Practicing Improvisation
  • Learning New Songs

I would say that this is the core of what guitar players should be practicing daily. Let’s talk about each item.

Learning Chords

One of the most commons skills expected from a guitar player is to understand and use chords.

There are a number of chords that are extermelly common, such as dominant chords and tonic chords. Other chords are less common, but also very useful in providing variety to your music.

In general, I suggest that you should spend everyday a few minutes revising the chords that you know and trying to build new chords. This will help you to achieve mastery of this topic.

Playing Scales

Another important skill is to be able to play some of the most common and useful scales on the guitar:

  • Major scale
  • Natural minor scale
  • Harmonic minor scale
  • Melodic minor scale
  • altered scale
  • diminut scale
  • and many others.

These are scales that you need to practice, at least a few minutes every day.

Practicing Arpegios

An arpegio is a technique used to play chord notes in rapid sucession. Using arpegios you can give a horizontal presentation to the notes of a chord, typically played in a simultaneious, vertical fashion.

Dominating the use of arpeggios is very important and can be used in several contexts. For example, you can use arpeggios as part of a solo or improvisation. The more you know arpegios, the better you’ll be able to join harmony and melody in your songs.

Reading Music

Music reading is a fundamental skill for any player. However, guitar players tend to have a difficult time learning to read music.

This is because the guitar allows several options to play a note. These variations then make it difficult to find the right position for a note.

The solution to these problems in music reading it to practice even more. After a days of practice, you’ll have a much easier time reading any kind of music.